Use "quack|quacked|quacking|quacks" in a sentence

1. The old duck quacked and quacked so I hardly slept a wink last night.

2. He is a quack and prescribes his quack medicines.

3. Ducks were quacking noisily on the lake.

4. That doctor's a quack!

5. One wing's shredded, one's flapping, it's quacking up a storm.

6. Suddenly he heard a quack.

7. 19 The water is full of thrashing, quacking excitement.

8. And I'm not just a quack.

9. The quack was stormed with questions.

10. I take the pills, keep the quacks off my back.

11. A duck's quack doesn't echo , and no oneknows why.

12. A duck 's quack does n't echo .

13. Have you seen a quack about that cough?

14. Don't be taken in he's just a quack.

15. The ducks started quacking loudly when we threw them some bread.

16. I went everywhere for treatment, tried all sorts of quacks.

17. Isn't that a quack B-list story book?

18. Synonyms for Charlatan include shyster, quack, or faker.

19. She discovered that the man was a quack.

20. That quack doesn't know anything about treating heart disease.

21. To act as a medical quack or a charlatan.

22. You may be considered an elitist or a quack.

23. Why do intelligent people find quack remedies so appealing?

24. That doctor is a quack, he should be reported.

25. Larry paid some quack over a thousand dollars to cure his insomnia.

26. That quack caused me more harm than the disease did.

27. You'd better go and see the quack with that burn.

28. 12 You may be considered an elitist or a quack.

29. It was predicated on a quack cure called powder of sympathy.

30. Young kids used to quack at us as we went past.

31. 25 It was an irresistible lure, like the quack of a decoy duck.

32. At night, quack flounce off a rope, swim escape in coming home.

33. It was an irresistible lure, like the quack of a decoy duck.

34. He describes himself as a doctor, but I feel he is a quack.

35. As for the quacks, they slink around on the margins of the crowd when we hold village meetings.

36. I had an abortion by a fucking quack... Who tore out half my womb.

37. About a dozen mallard ducks were sleeping on the sand or quacking in a subdued manner under the dock.

38. Many of those quack doctors were busy selling their own, often more dangerous diet cures.

39. A Charlatan is a quack, a person who is trying to deceive you with false claims

40. After all, he was Jack Quack , Renegade Drake, Prince of the Forest, King of the Lake.

41. The Bleating sound was more like a duck-quack, and would go off at awkward moments

42. And there was a Conjurer with a gaping crowd, a quack extracting teeth, a ballad singer

43. No girl needs to be blackmailed by a quack Abortionist if she will keep that in mind.

44. Atrazine definition is - a photosynthesis-inhibiting persistent herbicide C8H14ClN5 used especially to kill annual weeds and quack grass.

45. Sometimes you get signs and portents which the quacks can't fathom, but which go down like markers for middle-age.

46. Call ducks were initially used in hunting, where their own calls and quacks would attract wild ducks towards the hunter's guns.

47. Piedmont High Atwitter over quack attack / Rookie squawkers take grand prize in birdcalling contest Charles Burress , Chronicle Staff Writer …

48. The danger apprehended that quack nostrums in public policy can be forced upon the voters by demagogues is demonstrably nonexistent.

49. They did so in order to distinguish themselves from charlatans and quacks who purvey anti-aging products and treatments that are ineffective and sometimes harmful.

50. Such alternative management is not quack medicine but consists of medically sound treatments and procedures that are documented in leading medical journals.

51. Instructed by thee, some books, like quacks, impose on the world by promising wonders; while others turn Beaus, and trust all their merits to a gilded outside

52. As tales of his derring-do spread, Jack Quack became the most popular duck on the lake. For several days, he enjoyed the glory.

53. Synonyms & Antonyms of Credulity readiness to believe the claims of others without sufficient evidence the quack pushing the phony medicine was taking advantage of the Credulity of …

54. One of them is a scammy quack pretending to be some sort of doctor, whose Bumblery can leave you permanently paralysed, or dead The other is a massage therapist

55. A close call: How a Near Failure Propelled Me to Succeed [pdf] Hacker News quacked 63 days ago [–] I once read a very interesting, barely-upvoted reddit post titled "I suck at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu"

56. Astroturfed messaging nearly always uses inflammatory language like “crank”, “quack”, “nuts”, “pseudo”, “anti-science”, “conspiracy”, or something similar to describe the person or message questioning conventional “wisdom” on a particular topic

57. And so many low-income people have seen so many failed promises broken and seen so many quacks and sporadic medicines offered to them that building trust takes a lot of time, takes a lot of patience.

58. Higher education remains in the doldrums and healthcare conditions are so abysmal that even the poorest Indians seek out the nearest private doctor or quack rather than rely on government medical facilities .

59. And so many low- income people have seen so many failed promises broken and seen so many quacks and sporadic medicines offered to them that building trust takes a lot of time, takes a lot of patience.

60. Microbiologist Michael Behe wrote in The New York Times in 2005: “The strong appearance of design [in nature] allows a disarmingly simple argument: if it looks, walks and quacks like a duck, then, absent compelling evidence to the contrary, we have warrant to conclude it’s a duck.”

61. ‘In general, vocalizations are varied and include: trumpeting, whistles, twitters, honks, barks, grunts, quacks, Croaks and growls.’ ‘Males are characterized by louder grunts, Croaks or barks.’ ‘The lands beyond are filled with a chorus of bleats and Croaks and barks.’ ‘Their voices have the drunken croak and rumble of old crows.’

62. Adenovirus is a group of common viruses that can cause cold-like symptoms. We're all familiar with the saying, "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." So, if it looks like a cold or the flu, it is, right? Well, maybe not—and here's why.

63. Charming Pet Absurd Burds were designed for the shaking movement dogs make when they play! With every shake of the toy, a unique quack sound is released making play time more exciting! The floppy construction allows your dog to shake the toy on their own to release the same sound or chomp on the toy to release another silly sound.

64. Canard (n.) "absurd or fabricated story intended as an imposition," 1851, perhaps 1843, from French Canard "a hoax," literally "a duck" (from Old French quanart, probably echoic of a duck's quack); said by Littré to be from the phrase vendre un Canard à moitié "to half-sell a duck," thus, perhaps from some long-forgotten joke, "to cheat."